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Embracing Radiance: Plasma – A Gentle and Safe Approach to Skin Treatment
Introduction : In the ever-evolving world of skincare, advancements in technology continue to redefine the landscape of beauty treatments. One such innovation that has gained

Cold Plasma Disinfection: The Future of Medical Cannabis?
The last decade has shown explosive growth in the demand and use of cannabis in general and medical cannabis in particular. With the increase in

Using Cold Plasma to Improve the Outcome of Dental Implants
Studies show that modifying the surface of dental implants using cold plasma just prior to implantation improves biomechanical fixation and bone formation. As a result,

Cold Plasma: The Ideal Solution for Nail Fungus
Nail fungus (Onychomycosis) is one of the most common nail abnormalities. In this article: How common are fungal nail infections? Onychomycosis is a global problem,

Cold Plasma FAQ
Answers to frequently asked questions about applications for cold plasma technology indisinfection, dental implants, nail fungus, medical cannabis, and more.